The Protectorate and Stuff
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Or-Kalim, the Wanderer [orr-KAL-ihm]

A warrior in self-imposed exile, Or-Kalim left the Martial Guild and assumed the title "The Wanderer." Wearing a dark hooded robe, she hides her identity from any who might wish to seek it; she poses as a male to move surreptitiously. Or-Kalim has a strong sense of conviction, and left the school when she felt it became too corrupt, leaving behind all that she knew. She often acts as a vigilante, serving justice where it is sorely needed. Armed with her quaterstaff/walking stick and exploding disks, she is a force to be reckoned with.

Or-Kalim's name is known to few, even among the groups she travels in. She purposely distances herself from others to free herself from the pains of attachment, which may often limit support that she might otherwise receive from others. Although she regrets very little, she is pained at seeing what has become of Aurelis.

Elékius [eh-LAY-kee-us]

A Xetan Elementalist, who has a strong affinity for the Earth element. Elékius has trained for both Earth and Water Mastery, and is intent to become a Class 3 Earth Master. His techniques involve the fluid nature of the ground, and can summon trees and vines to protect himself, or to attack others. He is also attempting to create basic golems, although his efforts have yet to show success.

Elékius' weapon of choice is the Bramble Bow, which he creates by summoning a strong sapling and a vine, as well as other sticks for the arrows.

Elékius was recovered at a young age by Arkanum, and knows little of the world outside the Elemental League. While he embraces these new experiences, he does not know how to handle himself in natural environments. Deprived of his purified training Earth, he is learning the realities of the costs and repercussions of wielding his powers.

Stalako [stuh-LAY-ko]

A Xetan Praetor, Guardian of the Sun (and Light). Noble and righteous; strong and just; confused and uncertain. Stalako often questions his ability to perform his duties as the Sol Guardian. Despite being declared as a master of solar techniques, he still feels as though he is missing something. These misgivings had not been so pronounced when he was with his soulmate Mykirah, but since her fall he has become increasingly introspective. As he was not able to save her, he wonders how he would be able to help others.

Stalako is a skilled and dependable warrior, but when the combat is finished he questions his actions. Worse, sometimes he may second-guess himself in battle. Stalako does everything that he should, but he needs constant reassurance. He also clings fanatically to the belief that he can save his love Mykirah, although there is no actual indication that it can be done.

Regalia [reh-GAL-ee-ah]

Wealthy heir and inventor. Born into money, Regalia never suffered from lack of anything. Despite his best efforts, he was always separated from the rest of his village by a strong social division which others imposed on him. Regalia never learned how to deal with others effectively. Years ago when Harcolis, his village, was attacked, he fled instead of facing the enemy and defending his home. Now shamed, he feels a deep guilt and keeps himself in self-imposed exile. Regalia is also a very practical inventor, creating things to help himself. He created his Ditralis, which is an arm-mounted weaponry system. He takes great pride in his creations, and often puts undue amounts of faith in them.

Regalia has never been a "team player" and is still adjusting to this role. His inner torment over his native village also causes Regalia to withdraw from the Protectorate. As such, he tends to distance himself from the others, creating a rift between him and the rest of the group. The others respect him, though, since he is remarkably skilled at creating new devices and vehicles.

Aurelis [orr-EL-is]

A skilled swordsman from the Martial School. Aurelis was abandoned in his youth and was, as such, underpriviledged. Lacking an elemental affinity, he found that the only place in which he could be considered an equal was the Arena. Aurelis trained and transformed his dexterity into adept use of twin blades. He now carries with him the Khalis blades, which were especially designed for him. He carries a deep hatred for all women, as the only one he ever loved spurned him and then disappeared entirely. He is acts cold and embittered, while is internally very self-concious and insecure.

Aurelis always acts as though he always has something to prove because he feels that there is. He can be very competitive, which is not always ideal for the given situation. One might describe him as unstable at best. His greatest flaw is his tendancy for impulsiveness, rushing headlong into battle without considering the repercussions.

Arkanum [ar-KAN-um]

A Xetan Elementalist, representing the unity of Earth and Fire through his joint elemental, Steel. Like his brother, Arkanum has devoted himself in service to others. Although Steel is one of the mightiest and most imposing elements, he prefers mediation to fighting. He tends to be incredibly persuasive, and will attempt to avoid fighting when it seems possible. Despite this tendancy, Arkanum has no fear of combat, and will do what is necessary for the given situation. When his older brother was turned, it was Arkanum who was finally able to talk sense into him, or so he thinks.

Arkanum's weapons of choice are the Steel Blade, Steel Axe, and the Iron Shield.

Arkanum is typically a sentry, watching out for others. When Elékius was attacked years before, it was Arkanum who came to his eventual rescue. After seeing the young bot's potential, he took Elékius as his apprentice.

Archellion [ar-KEL-ee-un]

A Xetan Elementalist, representing the unity of Air and Water through his joint elemental, Ice. Archelion is a noble figure who believes in service to the innocent. His angelic wings reinforce his regal appearance, and convince others of his noble goals. However in the past that is on the verge of being forgotten, Archelion faltered in his service, and turned against the weak. Finally expressing his disdain for those who did not apprecicate his work, he grew hostile, malevolent. Were it not for the aid of his brother Arkanum, Archelion would have been completely lost to the his dark desires. Since his return, Archelion has viewed his renewed work as a quest for redemption. He hopes to atone for his wrongs, and feels a strong sense of guilt.

Archellion's weapon of choice is the crystal rapier, which he can create at will.

Archellion's greatest fear is returning to his alternate self (Archelios) the version which killed those that he is supposed to protect. Often he may fail to act at all, for fear of that. Other times, he can feel the sinister temptations calling him, must fight them off. His love for Blizzara gives him the strength to continue, but his temptaions seem to be getting stronger ...

Blizzara, the Prophet [blih-ZARE-uh]

Like her boyfriend Archellion, Blizzara is an Ice Elementalist. He specialty is predicting the future; she is the one who foresaw the arrival of Kanamitor, the exile. She has accepted this fate, although others around her may not do so as readily. Her weapon techniques are the cyrstal javelin and the ice bow, which she can create at will.

Blizzara is selfless and understands her role in the greater scheme of events to come. Her ability to see into the future gives her certainty where others have doubts.

Kanamitor [KUH-NAM-ih-tor]

Once the head defense specialist for his nation. When the violent coup began, Kanamitor was forced (by regulations) to leave the city and manage defenses remotely; however, nearly none of his comrades survived. Kanamitor was unable to return to their aid. He also lost his sparkmate, Starstalker. He has since blamed both the regulations, and himself for following them. He carries with him a great sorrow, which he feels will not be relieved until those now in power pays for his actions.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

The Protectorate:

Kanamitor, the Chosen One
Blizzara, the Prophet

The Enemy (I haven't come up with a name yet):
dar' Rivarius
dar' Kitare
The Brothers Maelstrom: Schizm, Whirlwind, Blaze, Torrent


Xeta: A planet engulfed in strife. Civil war has broken out lately in one of the nations, which lead to a coup which brought a select few corporations to power.

Ismar: A region characterized mainly by plains, grassy fields and hills. Its wide expanses were once used by the Martial Guild, until the Guild moved further into the nearby cities.

Harcolis: A city that was once the center a highly prosperous trading hub. It was razed by raiders years ago, although their motive and identities are still unknown. Regalia was from Harcolis, and he is the sole survivor of the attack.

The Elemental League: Traditionally an academy for the defenders of Xeta, in adherence to the four elements (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water). Students traditionally learn only one or two elements, in which they specialize. However, as of late several rogue Elementalists have seceded and now pose threat to all.

As is logical, Earth and Air are opposites, as are Fire and Water. Elements not in opposition can be secondaries of each other (Earth has secondaries of Fire and Water; Water has secondaries of Earth and Air, etc.). Class 4 masters are the only Elementalists who can manipulate both their primary and its opposite.

There is a structured class system used to identify the various masteries the Elementalists learn.
Class 1: A master of a single element, with extensive mastery of its abilities.
Class 2: A master of two elements (a primary and a secondary), with great knowledge of both elements and how they interact, although to a lesser extent than a Class 1 master.
Class 3: A master of three elements (a primary and its secondaries), with the ability to merge the three for potent special abilities of the primary element. Note that the techniques of Class 1 and Class 3 masters are remakably different, but equivalent.
Class 4: A master of all four elements (a primary, its secondaries, and its opposite); Class 4 masters are rare and are able to manipulate all elements, albeit to a lesser degree than their peers of other classes can.

The Martial Guild: Many Xetans who do not posess the affinity for the Elements train here to hone their minds and their strengths. Melee weapons and unarmed techniques are one field of study, as are the Forces of Opposition (Light and Dark). Much like the League, lately some sinister influence has tainted its students, turning them against those they once swore to protect.

The Assassin's Guild: This is an unofficial sect of the Martial Guild; its members are those who either were rejected from the Martial Guild or left because they thought its procedures and rules where below them. The Assassin's Guild is an elite group who will kill anyone for the right price. They follow two different forces of opposition, Order and Chaos. Those who follow Order tend to consider themselves vigilantes, whereas those who follow Chaos kill for the pleasure of it.

Yes, I thought I would make this blog so I could simply record the details of my story. (more forthcoming)

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