The Protectorate and Stuff
Wednesday, May 26, 2004

The cold mountains were a place of solace for the Ice Elementalists, Blizzara and Archellion. Hiking along the trails through the pass, Archellion suspected little of what was to come. Blizzara was often described as a female of fair complexion, with long whitish hair and a soft voice. Archellion on the other hand, had his blond hair trimmed to shoulder length and carried himself much more forcefully. They were a tall couple, and always appeared quite at ease with one another.

"He's here. I can sense him," said Blizzara.

"Who is?" replied Archellion, although he knew that she could only be referring to her prophecy. Blizzara had forseen for years now that a stranger would come along who would need her help. Archellion had tried to be supportive, but he gave little credence premonitions of any sort. But now he could not deny that a cloaked person of average now ran towards them. As Archellion started to say something else, she was already in flight: as Ice Mastery required both Water and Air, most Ice Masters could fly; Blizzara was no exception. She had summoned a pair of gossamer wings to herself, and was swooping toward the man. And, more importantly, the two that were chasing him.

As she hovered in mid-air, Blizzara snapped her arms forward and summoned ice to do her bidding. Crystaline shards appearred between her palms, and then flew right behind the man of the prophecy. The pursuers dodged around the shard, one to each side. Now that they were close enough, she could actually see them: one was dressed in a sleek white outfit, a nifty semi-loose garment that could hold an untold number of items; the other was dressed in a patchwork of shades of shale, an ensemble that seemed more haphazard than planned. The former drew broadsword from his back, then took a half-step into a ready position. *He must've been in the martial school*, she mused. She summoned another frozen slab to send at the assailants.

She yelled to Archelion: "Get the man, and take him out of here." He obliged, grabbed the man, and took flight.


"It appears that our targets has some reinforcements," commented Shoranem. He rolled to avoid the second barrage, coming out in time to catch a third frozen spear with his alabaster blade.

"Don't ya worry about *her*, friend, I've got something prepared." Helantos reached into his patchwork vestment and pulled out a flask. As his white-clad accomplice was about to protest, he simply grinned. "I know something that'll do the trick." He guzzled the contents, but kept a little in his mouth. Dropping the flask, Helantos reached into his mismatched garb and revealed two fistfuls of small black spheres. He pitched them all backhanded toward their airborne opponent, who struggled for a second to dodge.

That second was all he needed. He withdrew his lighter and ignited it; then he exhaled the alcoholic fumes that he had stored in his mouth.

He breathed fire.

As the hail melted, Shoranem charged at the mysterious ice-woman. His sword connected, and the two fell. Only one of them managed to rise again. Shoranem slowly rose, wiping the blood from his blade.

"Excellent plan, comrade," said he to Helantos.


Archellion fled with this stranger to a small alcove in the mountains. As he set the man down, Archellion felt his heart sink; he saw Blizzara go down. He sped at the pair, descending at such speeds that he almost wondered if he could maintain control. Just above the surface he leveled, and summoned ice into the shape of a weapon, a sword of his own.

The two outlanders looked at each other, and then to him.

"Another ..."
"... Time, perhaps."

The one in white swirled a silver cloth about him; the one in black threw a few black balls to the ground which burst into smoke upon contact. In the blink of an eye, they were both gone.

Blizzara lay on the ground, surrounded by a puddle of her own blood. Archelion ran to her. The wound was bad, irreparable by most standard. He started to heal it, when she interrupted him.
"No. Take him to the ... Council ... I ... luh .. love you ..."

And then Blizzara, too, was gone.

Archellion lifted her body, then went to lead the stranger to the Council of the Elemental League.

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